Mission Statement
To provide professional, aggressive, innovative, and cost-effective Prehospital emergency / non-emergency medical care, transportation and education to the citizens, visitors and patrons of Western North Carolina. Utilizing resources provided by highly skilled motivated professionals supported by various resources and leadership of NCOEMS and Buncombe County Quality Management System.
Community Service & Involvement
We believe we have a duty to be involved in the community. Our responsibility is to assist in providing services to protect life and property. We are committed to fulfilling our responsibility and improving our involvement in the community we serve; no request or inquiring will go unanswered.
Core Values
M - Measurable EMS goals and objectives
E - Excellence and quality in providing emergency/non-emergency care and transportation.
D - Dedication to serve citizens, visitors, patrons and departments in WNC.
I - Innovative in providing the highest quality medical care
C - Compassion and quality service to all in need of care and transport